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Tygart Lake

Taylor County, WV

(304) 265-5953

Tygart Lake
Interactive Map
Leaflet | Powered by Esri | Trails sourced from the following: PA1 PA2 - NY - MD - OH - WV, Powered by USACE PITTSBURGH GEOSPATIAL SECTION
Maps and Information
Cycle through all of our available maps for Tygart. We update this regularly to make sure that the most recent maps are available for all to use! Also included here are links to PDFs containing other documents or information.
External Links
Visit some others who also have a lot to say about Tygart! Note that some external links may take you to non-government sites. USACE - Pittsburgh District is not responsible for the content of external sites.
  • Tygart Recreation Page
  • Visit the Army Corps official Tygart Lake Recreation page for additional information and resources relating to Tygart.

  • Tygart Lake Golf Course
  • Just a short drive from the lake, you can find the Tygart Lake Golf Course! Find information about their hours of operation and events on their website.

  • Tygart Lake State Park
  • Find out about Tygart Lake activities, dining, cabins, rentals, brochures, and other helpful information.

  • Water Safety
  • Visit the USACE Water Safety Page to learn about staying safe while out on the water and meet Bobber, The Water Safety Dog!